Terms and Conditions

Please check the booking confirmation we send you. If it doesn’t land in your inbox then please also check your spam folder. This document confirms the times and dates of travel that you entered on the booking form and will be the basis for the times our drivers work with.

You are required to give us at least 24 hours notice for cancellations or amendments to a booking. Failure to do so may result in us being unable to offer you a refund. Please call on the office phone number if you wish to cancel and make sure you speak to a member of staff at Marshall Chauffeurs. Marshall Chauffeurs do not take responsibility for missed flights or connections due to delays and circumstances beyond our control. Please allow enough time for your journey. If you are unsure on journey times and typical traffic conditions, please contact us for advice.

We allow customers 20 minutes from the scheduled pick up time from anywhere other than an airport before then charging waiting time. Waiting time will be charged at £25 an hour in 15 minute increments from the arranged pickup time. For airport collections, we allow 1 hour 15 minutes after your flight lands before then charging waiting time.

For collections between the hours of 11pm and 4am, Marshall Chauffeurs will add a £25 unsociable hours surcharge; this includes flights scheduled to land at or after 10:30pm as it’s very unlikely customers will be with their drivers before 11pm. Marshall chauffeurs won’t add the surcharge if your flight is scheduled to land earlier but then lands at or after 22:30.

Marshall Chauffeurs will charge a £125 if a passenger vomits or soils the vehicle in any way. This cost is to cover the driver’s loss of earnings and for a full interior valet of the vehicle. It is a criminal offence to walk / run off and not pay a soilage charge if a passenger is sick in a Private Hire Vehicle.

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